Part 112: Ep. 78: Applied Mad Robotics


Dr. F has lost TOBOR's remote control. Poor Dr. F. He is sad. But Dr. F's feelings are none of Sam's concern! Instead, Sam pulls out his notebook and gets to work.

Sam considers, then adds another bullet point.

Time to gather information!

(this happened, in a different game)

While we're over here, let's go ahead and heal TOBOR's kelpophobia.

We can also fail the hacking minigame by taking so long that the entire trail scrolls off the left side of the screen! Sam barely made it this time, although he did succeed in the end. Let's see if we've managed to fix the issue.

oh well that makes perfect sense

Right. Time to hit up TOBOR's backtrail and figure out where he dropped his remote.

Sam picks up TOBOR's trail near the towels and follows it to the water, where it ends. Sam considers, then updates his notes.

Sure enough!

And finally our dispatch team arrives.

Sam trails TOBOR all the way to the east beach, near Yuki's hideout. Come to think of it, didn't we find some kelp for Chef Watanabe right around here somewhere?

Like, near this pile of sand, where the footprints conveniently end?

Let's check it out!

Uh oh. It's broken!

It's only been banged around a little, so all the pieces are still here, albeit knocked out of place and covered in sand. Also, now we have to place angle mirrors to direct light or infrared signals or whatever through the maze of gears and belts. Not too difficult.

Looks like Sam's all ready to abuse TOBOR for his own ends! Still, one thing remains:

We'll get right on that.

In the meantime, it's good to see that Justice's new traps have arrived and are working well.